• 博彩通


发布日期:2023-03-13 01:13    点击次数:164

克里斯“耶稣”弗格森已经提交代表全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)公司,在尝试回收玩家资金1亿美元。备案截止日期被认为是昨天,总共有四个不同的文件,涉及大量金钱。一个文件涉及Vantage和Kolyma,其他三个暗指基金处于到Tiltware,FILCO,Pocket Kings和Pockets Kings Consulting等公司的途中。显示金额总额9810万美元,达标前面提到的两个公司。咨询研究这些文件,发现很多公司有账户被检获,这些账户都有全速扑克的玩家资金。他们列出他们索要的账

  • 克里斯“耶稣”弗格森已经提交代表全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)公司,在尝试回收玩家资金1亿美元。备案截止日期被认为是昨天,总共有四个不同的文件,涉及大量金钱。一个文件涉及Vantage和Kolyma,其他三个暗指基金处于到Tiltware,FILCO,Pocket Kings和Pockets Kings Consulting等公司的途中。显示金额总额9810万美元,达标前面提到的两个公司。 咨询研究这些文件,发现很多公司有账户被检获,这些账户都有全速扑克的玩家资金。他们列出他们索要的账户顺序如下,并指出,全速扑克运营商对下列帐户有权利、所有权或利益: $25,297,322 at Sunfirst Bank in the name of Sunfirst Bank UTF Powder Monkeys/Full Tilt $14,740,855 at All American Bank, New City Bank in the name of 21Debit LLC and and at Bank One Iowa in the name of 4 A Consulting Unspecified amount at UMPQUA Bank in the name of ULTRA SAFE PAY and HSBC Hong Kong in the name of Griting Investments $9,655,075 at various banks in the name of Trinity Global Commerce Corp $9,632,834 at various banks in the name of G.I. Holdings $4,916.977 at various banks in the name of SNR Inc $23,696,003 at various banks in the names of Viable Marketing Corp. and Viable Processing Solutions $10,337,474 at various banks in the name of LST Financial It also includes all funds in accounts in the name of Vantage in Luxembourg and Switzerland, and Kolyma accounts in Germany. This is also the case for Filco, Pocket Kings and Tiltware Pocket Kings where a number of accounts are being claimed by the signatory, Ferguson. Whether any of this means players will get their money back quicker it’s too early to tell and given yesterday’s deadline the claim may just be for the sake of making a claim. 它还包括所有在卢森堡和瑞士的Vantage名称帐户中的资金,并在德国的Kolyma帐户的资金。Filco, Pocket Kings and Tiltware Pocket Kings 的帐户也是类似情况,弗格森单独签字并声称索回资金。玩家是否会得到他们的钱,现在还无法得知。 克里斯弗格森代表全速扑克公司(Full Tilt Poker)索回被冻结资金克里斯“耶稣”弗格森已经提交代表全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)公司,在尝试回收玩家资金1亿美元。备案截止日期被认为是昨天,总共有四个不同的文件,涉及大量金钱。一个文件涉及Vantage和Kolyma,其他三个暗指基金处于到Tiltware,FILCO,Pocket Kings和Pockets Kings Consulting等公司的途中。显示金额总额9810万美元,达标前面提到的两个公司。咨询研究这些文件,发现很多公司有账户被检获,这些账户都有全速扑克的玩家资金。他们列出他们索要的账户顺序如下,并指出,全速扑克运营商对下列帐户有权利、所有权或利益:$25,297,322 at Sunfirst Bank in the name of Sunfirst Bank UTF Powder Monkeys/Full Tilt$14,740,855 at All American Bank, New City Bank in the name of 21Debit LLC and and at Bank One Iowa in the name of 4 A ConsultingUnspecified amount at UMPQUA Bank in the name of ULTRA SAFE PAY and HSBC Hong Kong in the name of Griting Investments$9,655,075 at various banks in the name of Trinity Global Commerce Corp$9,632,834 at various banks in the name of G.I. Holdings$4,916.977 at various banks in the name of SNR Inc$23,696,003 at various banks in the names of Viable Marketing Corp. and Viable Processing Solutions$10,337,474 at various banks in the name of LST FinancialIt also includes all funds in accounts in the name of Vantage in Luxembourg and Switzerland, and Kolyma accounts in Germany. This is also the case for Filco, Pocket Kings and Tiltware Pocket Kings where a number of accounts are being claimed by the signatory, Ferguson. Whether any of this means players will get their money back quicker it’s too early to tell and given yesterday’s deadline the claim may just be for the sake of making a claim.它还包括所有在卢森堡和瑞士的Vantage名称帐户中的资金,并在德国的Kolyma帐户的资金。Filco, Pocket Kings and Tiltware Pocket Kings 的帐户也是类似情况,弗格森单独签字并声称索回资金。玩家是否会得到他们的钱,现在还无法得知。


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